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NetEase's New Patent Allows Players to Enjoy IRL Games Remotely

By Cecil Gao
Aug. 18, 2022 updated 10:40

On August 16, NetEase announced a new patent on control methods, devices, and CRM for a future offline game.

The abstract on NetEase’s official website shows that the patent can generate a virtual character animation corresponding to each player located in the “gaming rooms” based on the monitoring video of the offline game. The system can also enable the same interactive movements by synchronizing the game process on the devices in different locations, thereby significantly improving remote players' gaming experience.

Although NetEase's introduction for this patent is rather confusing, an offline game in the context is more likely to refer to IRL games like haunted houses and escape rooms. With this technology, players can probably experience the IRL games both in their real life and the virtual world that is automatically generated by the system, solving the puzzles online with other teammates from different game sites.

Source: Do News