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Emoticon Enigma: Valve Teases Dota 2 Fans with Emoji-Encoded 7.34 Patch Notes

By Xueyang
Aug. 14, 2023 updated 09:36

Dota 2 fans eagerly awaiting the new 7.34 patch can get an early glimpse if they're adept at interpreting emoticons. Valve, the company behind the popular game, teased the gaming community by releasing the patch notes entirely in emojis.

A part of the emoji patch noteA part of the emoji patch note

This unconventional preview has left many players scratching their heads, while seasoned Dota veterans are busy translating the cryptic symbols. Some members of the community have managed to figure out specific notes related to heroes like Invoker and items such as Monkey King Bar.

The teased adjustments include changes to the Captain's Mode drafting order, and significant modifications to items and heroes, all set to drop right before the qualifiers for The International 12.

For those who may find the emoji version too perplexing, rest assured that the patch will be made available in the usual textual format soon. But for now, those skilled in emoticon language can enjoy piecing together the clues of what promises to be an exciting update.

Source: Dota 2