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Lost in Translation? The Magical Challenge of Bringing Chinese Martial Arts to the Global Stage

By Xueyang
Aug. 18, 2023 updated 12:02

Where Winds Meet is gearing up for Gamescom 2023 and the testing of its overseas version, but a unique challenge has them scratching their heads: the captivating complexity of Chinese martial arts skill names.

The Chinese culture has a rich and profound essence, often illustrated through martial arts. Words like "太极" (Tai Chi), "隔空取物" (Retrieving Objects Through the Air), "金玉手" (Golden Jade Hand), and "止水" (Stopping Water) conjure a world filled with romantic imagination and poetic elegance. These terms represent something more than mere techniques; they paint vivid pictures of a martial artist's prowess and the philosophy behind each skill.

The "Power of Yin and Yang"The "Power of Yin and Yang"

But how do you translate such deeply embedded cultural expressions into English? It's a task as challenging as mastering the martial arts themselves!

The team at Where Winds Meet quickly discovered that the English language, while vast and versatile, lacks the nuanced words to capture the essence of these martial arts techniques. With a hint of frustration and a touch of humor, they sought the advice of native language translators. After much debate, contemplation, and a bit of poetic license, they finally distilled all these rich terms into one seemingly simple phrase: "magic hand."

Yes, a "magic hand" it is, but behind those two words lies a world of culture, tradition, and mystery. It's a reminder that some things are universal, transcending language barriers, and resonate with human emotions across the globe.

The "Magic Hand"The "Magic Hand"

So, as Where Winds Meet prepares for Gamescom 2023, they embrace both the challenge and the charm of bridging two worlds. The process has given them more than just a translation; it's a journey into the heart of culture, an exploration of art, and a playful dance with words.

And who knows? Maybe the phrase "magic hand" will spark a new wave of curiosity and appreciation for Chinese martial arts in the overseas market. After all, in the world of gaming and entertainment, a touch of magic is always welcome!

Source: Weibo