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Delta Force Reboot Teased by TiMi Studio Group: Unveiling Set for Gamescom Opening Night Live

By Xueyang
Aug. 19, 2023 updated 01:43

Delta Force: Hawk OpsDelta Force: Hawk Ops

TiMi Studio Group is set to bring back the classic voxel-based military first-person shooter, Delta Force, which debuted a quarter-century ago. The upcoming title will be available cross-platform, including PC, consoles, and mobile, with more details set to be revealed at Gamescom Opening Night Live next week.

The new Delta Force promises to retain the large-scale multiplayer aspect that was essential to the original game. A gameplay teaser trailer gives a glimpse of what's to come. Producer Shadow Guo expressed his team's interest in realistic military-themed shooter games and his personal connection with Delta Force. The new version aims to continue the franchise's legacy, showcasing an evolution of features such as open-world combat, large-scale multiplayer PVP, and the portrayal of Special Operations Forces.

Guo elaborated on the intention to maintain the original game's authenticity while adding a near-future flavor. Realistic themes, real-life actors, photogrammetry for 3D world creation, military professionals' movements, and guidance from former Special Forces have all contributed to achieving an authentic tone.

Furthermore, the game's campaign mode is based on the movie "Black Hawk Down," allowing players to engage in authentic and thrilling battles. Extensive research into the historical context ensures an immersive gaming experience.

The multiplayer aspect of the new Delta Force continues the tradition of large-scale PVP from the 1998 original but is designed to accommodate even more extensive battles. Various engagement methods, diverse terrain features, and technologically advanced vehicles, including assault vehicles, helicopters, armored vehicles, and more, contribute to an engaging large-scale PVP experience.

Fans of the series and newcomers alike should watch for more details on the Delta Force revival, set to be unveiled next week.

Source: X