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Starfield Reveals Drop, Metacritic 88

By Xueyang
Sep. 1, 2023 updated 06:34

After such a long wait, Starfield is finally coming to our doorstep. As of September 1st, all the major game media have released their review score for this hot title. The current Metacritic score is 88, based on 29 media outlets; the OpenCritic score is 87, based on 74 media outlets. Both IGN and Gamespot gave it a score of 7, but IGN Japan gave it a perfect score.

via Metacriticvia Metacritic


"There are a lot of forces working against it, and the combination of disjointed space travel, nonexistent maps, aggravating inventory management, and a slow rollout of essential abilities very nearly did it in. It was the joys piloting a custom spaceship into and out of all sorts of morally ambiguous situations in a rich sci-fi universe that eventually pulled it out of a nosedive."


"When you strip Starfield down to its essentials, it relies on a tried-and-true, but well-tread formula while missing some of the depth of the games that came before it. Starfield is a game more concerned with quantity than quality, and leaves the experience at the surface level."

PC Gamer:

"After all the hype and hope and anticipation, I'm disappointed to say I don't love Starfield the way I love other Bethesda RPGs. It's similar in a lot of ways, but Starfield never feels as instantly engrossing and transporting as Oblivion or Skyrim or as wild and weird as the Fallout games."

Source: Metacritic