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Capcom Introduces Next-Gen REX Engine, Building on RE Engine's Legacy

By Xueyang
Oct. 29, 2023 updated 09:11

It's been over five years since Capcom released "Resident Evil 7," the first game powered by the RE Engine. Now, Capcom has confirmed the development of the next generation of their acclaimed RE Engine, codenamed REX Engine. This new engine will incorporate all features from the RE Engine and enhance it with support for cutting-edge technologies.

The revelation about the REX Engine came from a developer-focused presentation that surfaced on Capcom's R&D channel, thanks to Okami Games' discovery. This session, titled "RE Engine's future," explored the technological hurdles they face, emphasizing the need for extensive customization for each game they produce. To address this, Capcom's ambitious move is the development of REX as a "new standard of engine."

In a phased approach, Capcom plans to integrate this advanced technology into the current engine. The gaming community is eagerly awaiting "Dragon's Dogma II," which will utilize the RE Engine. Additionally, there are whispers about a new Monster Hunter game releasing in 2024, intensifying the anticipation.


Capcom initiated the development of the RE Engine in 2014, leading to its debut with 2017's "Resident Evil 7." While many developers lean towards prevalent solutions like the Unreal Engine, Capcom's unique decision to create the RE Engine has evidently borne fruit. Their games, leveraging this engine, are frequently lauded as some of the most technically superior across various platforms.

While REX is in the works, the original RE Engine is still going strong. Gamers recently had a sneak peek of "Dragon's Dogma 2," a sequel that amplifies what fans adored about the first title. The game is set to hit shelves in 2024 for Xbox, PC, and PS5.

Source: Capcom