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Genshin Impact's Publisher Cracks Down on Leakers With Legal Action

By Xueyang
Nov. 19, 2023 updated 03:03

Genshin Impact's Publisher Cracks Down on Leakers with Legal ActionGenshin Impact's Publisher Cracks Down on Leakers with Legal Action

The immensely popular game "Genshin Impact," estimated to have 63 million players, has once again taken strict legal measures against individuals leaking pre-release information. The latest case involves a user who operated under the name HutaoLover77 and owned four accounts involved in the leaks.

The user in question had been disseminating leaked information about unreleased game characters, using hashtags like "#GenshinLeaks" on Twitter. Some of these tweets had garnered up to 191,300 views, indicating significant interest in the leaked content.

On November 13th, local time, a DMCA subpoena was issued by Cognosphere, the publisher of "Genshin Impact." The subpoena stated that the user had infringed on the exclusive rights to the game's artwork and gameplay footage owned by the company. Following a DMCA takedown by the anti-piracy firm Remove Your Media, the leaked media was removed, and the user's accounts have since been frozen or deleted, making the content inaccessible.

As a result of the legal action, the social media company X has been ordered to disclose the personal information of the said user to Cognosphere. This information includes the user's real name, address, phone number, and email address and will be used by the copyright owner solely for the purpose of exercising their rights.

This isn't the first instance of arrests and legal actions against leakers in the "Genshin Impact" community. While the game's popularity inevitably attracts users who spread leaks, as well as those seeking them, it's important to refrain from disseminating clearly unauthorized leaks. This recent crackdown is a reminder of the legal consequences of such actions in the gaming industry.

Source: Game Spark