Remedy Entertainment, the acclaimed game studio behind the 'Alan Wake' series, has announced a strategic shift in development focus from 'Alan Wake 2' to the sequel of their other hit title, 'Control'. Senior gameplay designer Leonid Stepanov revealed through social media that after a rewarding development phase of 'Alan Wake 2', his attention, along with the team's, is now pivoting to 'Control 2'.
Creation of Alan Wake 2 was an incredible journey and an experience to remember! But it's time for a new one.
— Leonid Stepanov (@Leonid_Games) November 17, 2023
Share with you that now I am taking part in the development of CONTROL 2 🔻#AlanWake #AlanWake2 #ControlRemedy #Control2
Stepanov's announcement also came with a caveat for fans eagerly awaiting new updates, indicating a quieter period on news as they delve into the new project. He teased followers with the promise of engaging content, hinting at a forthcoming reveal in his next update.
During Remedy's recent business review, insights into 'Control 2's' development were shared, noting that it remains in the proof-of-concept phase with substantial headway made in both design and gameplay build. The project is described as ambitious, with the current focus on refining core game elements before expanding the team for further development stages.
Alan Wake 2
Released on October 27, 2023, 'Alan Wake 2' marked Remedy's latest venture into the survival horror genre, diverging from the original game's action-adventure roots. The sequel explores the narrative of the tormented novelist Alan Wake, trapped in a dark alternate dimension, and features an FBI agent named Saga Anderson. Available on PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S, players can navigate the chilling story through the perspectives of either character, employing strategy in combat scenarios where resource management can mean the difference between survival and succumbing to the darkness.
Source: X