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Sony Requests Removal of 'Bloodborne' Elements from 'Bloodborne Kart'

By Xueyang
Jan. 27, 2024 updated 07:31

Bloodborne KartBloodborne Kart

Bloodborne Kart, a game developed by Lilith Walther, has encountered a significant obstacle. The developer received communication from Sony, the owner of the intellectual property rights to Bloodborne, demanding the removal of all elements related to Bloodborne from the game.

Consequently, the initial plan to release this game for free on January 31st has been put on hold. In response to Sony's request, the developer has decided to postpone the release of Bloodborne Kart in order to make necessary modifications. This delay is to ensure that the game, originally intended as a fan-made homage to Bloodborne, will now be redeveloped and released as an original title, distinct from its initial inspiration.

The decision to transform Bloodborne Kart into an original game rather than a fan creation comes as a direct result of Sony's intervention, aimed at protecting their intellectual property rights associated with Bloodborne. This shift in strategy marks a significant turning point for Lilith Walther's project, reshaping it from a fan tribute into a standalone original game.

Source: X