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Featured Cosplay EP46: Girls from World of Warcraft

By ChOzen
Jul. 5, 2022 updated 02:30

When it comes to the most well-known MMORPG in the world, it is none other than the World of Warcraft. Now this game has been with us for 17 years.

In the game, Blizzard has created many unique and distinctive characters, and it is they who make World of Warcraft come to life. The bonds and entanglements between different characters also make players willing to spend a huge amount of time and effort in Azeroth to experience a variety of adventures.

Today we have some amazing female characters cosplay from World of Warcraft for you. May the light bless you!

Tyrande Cosplay

Tyrande: narga_lifestream

Source: Instagram

Tyrande CosplayTyrande Cosplay

Whitemane Cosplay

Whitemane: 芊川一笑_MNK

Source: Weibo

Whitemane CosplayWhitemane Cosplay

Sylvanas Cosplay

Sylvanas: Kalinka Fox

Source: Twitter

Sylvanas CosplaySylvanas Cosplay

Jaina Cosplay

Jaina: 小呆萝拉Lara

Source: Weibo

Jaina CosplayJaina Cosplay

Lich King Cosplay (Girl Version)

Lich King: Vavalika

Source: Twitter

Lich King CosplayLich King Cosplay