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Elden Ring Fans Made a Real Shabriri Grape

By Johnson Ge
Jul. 19, 2022 updated 03:40

The Twitter user @siroyagi_gordon has shared a picture of the garage kit figure they made. The figure is based on a key item in the video game Elden Ring: The Shabriri Grape.

A picture of the fan-made Shabriri Grape figure.A picture of the fan-made Shabriri Grape figure.

Shabriri Grape is a key item used to progress Hyetta’s questline in the game. Though it is called a grape, and the NPC is willing to eat it, the Shabriri Grape is popular due to its true form. The item description in the game reads as follows:

“A yellowing, oozing eyeball of the infirm. The surface is shriveled, and the inside is squishy, not unlike a large, overly-ripe grape.

Give to the blind maiden to guide her to the distant light.”

According to @siroyagi_gordon, they will sell the unpainted garage kit for 2000 JPY (equals 14.5 USD) at the Japanese Figure Event, 2022 Wonder Festival – Summer.

Source: Twitter