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Final Fantasy XVI Future DLC Plan

By Xueyang
Jul. 13, 2023 updated 06:28

Square Enix is reconsidering the addition of DLC to Final Fantasy XVI, despite previous statements that there were no plans for additional content. Producer Naoki Yoshida acknowledged the feedback from players who expressed a desire for more content and stated that the team is now exploring their options.

This is a shift from director Hiroshi Takai's previous statement in May, where he mentioned that there were no current plans for DLC and that Square Enix was waiting for fan reactions. Despite initially stating that there wouldn't be a Day One patch, Square Enix released one anyway.

With positive reviews for FFXVI, there is a possibility that it may receive more DLC. IGN's review praised the game's action-heavy combat, compelling story, well-developed characters, and immersive world-building, highlighting the innovative Active Time Lore feature as a standout aspect.

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