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Chinese Financial Officer Arrested for Embezzling Funds to Spend on Live-Streamers and Gaming

By Xueyang
Sep. 8, 2023 updated 10:49

Recently, police in Lanling County, Shandong Province, China, cracked a case of job-related embezzlement. The suspect, identified as Li, exploited lax financial oversight while working as a financial officer at a vegetable wholesale market.

Lanling police taking Li into custidyLanling police taking Li into custody

Li embezzled over 2.6 million CNY (approximately 400,000 USD) from the company for personal use. Notably, Li spent around 1.23 million CNY on gifts and red envelopes for female live-streamers and an additional 900,000 CNY on in-game purchases and upgrades. Currently, Li is under criminal detention by Lanling police. After solving the case, authorities recovered 1.65 million CNY for the victimized company, and the company's head presented the police with a banner of appreciation.

Source: Weibo