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ByteDance Launches Dragonheir: Silent Gods on Steam as a Free-to-Play Semi-Real-Time Strategy RPG

By Xueyang
Oct. 29, 2023 updated 11:18

ByteDance has rolled out its latest offering, Dragonheir: Silent Gods, as a free-to-play strategy RPG on Steam. This high-fantasy game takes players on a magical journey, featuring dynamic biomes, branching storylines, and high-quality character models.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods - ScreenshotDragonheir: Silent Gods - Screenshot

What sets Dragonheir apart is its dice-based gameplay, adding a layer of unpredictability to actions and story outcomes. Whether you opt to trade, fight, or explore, dice rolls can lead to critical successes or failures, making each playthrough unique.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods - ScreenshotDragonheir: Silent Gods - Screenshot

The game also boasts a wide array of customizable heroes. With over 200 options, players can build their ideal team from a range of races and classes, including Dwarves, Orcs, and Sorcerers. Special equipment, runes, and divine artifacts further enhance hero customization.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods - ScreenshotDragonheir: Silent Gods - Screenshot

Combat is a blend of strategy, grid placement, and dice rolls. Players can strategically arrange their heroes on a grid, utilize elemental advantages, and influence battle outcomes with dice checks.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods - ScreenshotDragonheir: Silent Gods - Screenshot

Dragonheir: Silent Gods is now available for free on Steam, providing an intriguing mix of RPG and strategy elements that promises a rich gaming experience.