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T1 Swept WBG to Win LoL S13 Worlds Championship Title

By Xueyang
Nov. 19, 2023 updated 07:51

In a stunning display of skill and teamwork, T1 emerged victorious at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship finals held on November 19th. The much-anticipated match saw T1, representing the LCK region as the second seed, dominating their opponents, WBG, the fourth seed from the LPL region, with a decisive 3:0 victory.

The climactic battle, which kicked off at 16:00 Beijing time, concluded with T1 players emotionally embracing each other as they lifted the coveted Summoner's Cup. T1's top laner, Zeus, delivered an outstanding performance throughout the three games, earning him the Final's Most Valuable Player (FMVP) title. This marks the first time Zeus has received such an honor, highlighting his crucial role in T1's journey to becoming the 2023 world champion.

T1's clean sweep in the finals is a testament to their relentless preparation and adaptability in the face of intense competition. As the team celebrates their hard-fought victory, fans and enthusiasts from around the globe commend their remarkable achievement in the world of competitive esports.

Source: X