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Featured Cosplay EP23: Rainbow 6 Siege

By Kao Yu
May. 11, 2022 updated 04:59

Secure the biohazard container!

Rainbow 6 Siege is arguably the best strategy shooter right now, and the range of playable operators just makes this game so interesting and addictive. And today we have some excellent R6S cosplay for you, buckle up!

Rainbow 6 Siege Cosplay 1

Caveira: Meg Turney

Photographer: Wes Ellis

Rainbow 6 Siege CosplayRainbow 6 Siege Cosplay

Rainbow 6 Siege Cosplay 2

Ela: SheyTheBae

Rainbow 6 Siege CosplayRainbow 6 Siege Cosplay

Rainbow 6 Siege Cosplay 3

Blackbeard: Basti Chavez

Dokkaebi: CAohyaylookRINA 

Hibana: Ayame Suda

Hostage: pataquinooo

Photo and post-process by: ItsTroya 

en route to the extraction point.en route to the extraction point.

Rainbow 6 Siege Cosplay 4

Lana: 花鼠花鼠

Photographer: 洛洛剑三A了

Rainbow 6 Siege CosplayRainbow 6 Siege Cosplay

Rainbow 6 Siege Cosplay 5

IQ: RexiDn

Photographer: WATERFISH

Rainbow 6 Siege CosplayRainbow 6 Siege Cosplay