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Soda Crisis’ Devs Tweaked Difficulty Level Soon After the Game Release

By Weilin Li
May. 31, 2022 updated 02:51

Soda Crisis’ devs worked through the night to make adjustments to the game soon after the release in response to the Steam reviews dropping from 87% to 82% positive. According to a video by Jeff, one of the developers, this drop was due to the game's difficulty.

The initial positive reviews supported the combat design, the items and plot, and the level-up mechanics.

However, the negative reviews complained that the game was too difficult due to the many instant deaths and complaints that the parkour elements had surpassed the combat to become the game’s main feature.

Jeff explained in the video that the devs had played the game for over 100 hours during the development, and it was hard for them to notice that some obstacles were overwhelming in the parkour.

Some players said the parkour was too difficult for the many instant deaths in Soda Crisis.Some players said the parkour was too difficult for the many instant deaths in Soda Crisis.

In response, they lowered the difficulty level and added a checkpoint for players in case they fell off a cliff. Meanwhile, they made Running automatic to strengthen the protagonist’s ability to pass through obstacles.

The second day following the release, the devs launched this first update. Now, the reviews have climbed back to 91%.

In response to some comments on creating more difficulty modes, Jeff said a hard mode is now in development.

Source: Bilibili