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China’s Game Licenses for May Have Not Arrived

By Weilin Li
Jun. 2, 2022 updated 03:44

In May, there were no regular announcements about game licenses issued by The National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA), despite local game companies’ anxious waiting.

The last time the regulators announced the newly approved games for sale was April 11th. After that, many insiders said they expected a new list of the game licenses on May 11th; some said, however, that the Covid-19 situation in May could have caused a delay in the review process.

There are still a few days left to see if license issuing will resume, as June 11th will indicate whether or not the license freeze has come back.

Last time, 45 games received licenses after an eight-month freeze on April 11th.

China has typically made an announcement listing the approved titles every month. But last year, the game licenses approved during January had their issuance delayed until early February.

Source: NPPA