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Room 301 No.6 Tells the Story of Alzheimer's Disease and Will Be in EA on June 10th

By Weilin Li
Jun. 7, 2022 updated 03:20

Room 301 No.6 is a heart-warming puzzle game showing the hardship that Alzheimer's Disease patients face.

The game presents the patients' restrictive memories and reduced ability to finish daily tasks. The developers showed a series of life events in different types of frames.

In addition to some small frames, a screen split shows the contrast between a patient's physical world and mental state. The players are wandering in a maze on the left, which depicts how patients struggle by themselves mentally.

Game graphics of Room 301 No.6Game graphics of Room 301 No.6

The game was published by Gamera Games and developed by Inter Frame, a student developer team from the Communication University of China. The Early Access will be available on Steam on June 10th.

Source: Bilibili