On June 13th, Square Enix announced they will stop providing service in Japan for the fifteen-year-old, PVP-focused MMORPG Fantasy Earth Zero on September 28, 2022. The game was released in 2006 in Japan, and later had multiple oversea releases such as in North America and China.
— ファンタジーアース ゼロ(FEZ)公式 (@fez_staff) June 13, 2022
この度『ファンタジアース ゼロ』は2022年9月28日(水)15:00をもちまして、サービスを終了させて頂くことになりました。
詳しくはお知らせをご確認ください。https://t.co/SckyfKXc5o#ファンタジーアース#FEZ pic.twitter.com/u0kPX6NArp
As a fantasy MMORPG, Fantasy Earth Zero has an extraordinary play style. Up to 100 players may participate on the same battlefield, collect materials, capture key locations and summon powerful creatures. It feels like a fantasy ARPG version of the Battlefield series. Even in 2022, there are still many players who love and keep playing this game due to the unique game experiences.
Currently, the Chinese server is the only one left that has not ceased operation or has any similar announcements. This means it may be the only official server available after September.