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Black Myth: Wukong‘s producer feels “Unreal” after their new 12-minute trailer went viral

By Dan
Aug. 23, 2021 updated 07:19

“After a whole year, I still feel unreal. So many people care about our work, I am in genuine fear that our work won’t live up to everyone’s expectations. We still have a long way to go in understanding how to make a proper action RPG.” Says Feng Ji, producer of Black Myth: Wukong and CEO of Game Science on social media platform Zhihu.

After a whole year of trials and tribulations, Chinese developer Game Science dropped their second Black Myth: Wukong gameplay trailer yesterday. This is the first game demonstrating the power of Unreal Engine 5 and also incorporated NVIDIA DLSS to achieve 4k/60FPS on mid-range hardware. If you haven’t seen this video, we strongly recommend you to check it out.


During the past year, the studio has upgraded from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal 5, and added NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) for enhanced performance and image quality.

Featuring breathtaking visual fidelity, impactful combat, and thrilling music, the gameplay video generated so much hype and excitement among players all over the world. On the other side, Ji Feng - producer of the game - commented that he "has been on tenterhooks" since the debut trailer, and still feels surreal that millions of people are keeping their fingers crossed for the official release date to be revealed.

The game was based on Journey to the West - probably the most popular literary work in East Asia. In a recent post on ZhihuJi joked about the team’s endless struggling between staying faithful to the original story and coming up with novel character settings, how they managed to use cutting-edge graphics while keep GPU temperature low, as well as their restless pondering over the deep core of RPG. “Wukong is lucky enough to attract worldwide attention, and we can only return the favor by making the best of it.”


According to Black Myth: Wukong's official website, it will be available on PC and other main-stream consoles, and it will only be released when the creators "feel satisfied as players".