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Shooter Under Development Announces Crowdfunding Campaign

Gaming legend Takahashi Meijin supervises Star Gagnant’s development
By CaesarZX
Sep. 5, 2022 updated 02:00

Developer Regista announced that the  2D scrolling shooter Star Gagnant, supervised by the well-known game producer Takahashi Meijin, is opening a crowdfunding campaign on Ubgoe at 17:00 JST on Sept 5. The goal amount is 1 million JPY (7100 USD) before October 5.

So far, we only have a logoSo far, we only have a logo

Considering that many of today's scrolling shooters are too difficult for everyone to enjoy, the project decided to make a Retro shooter that anyone could enjoy. Star Gagnant is being made for Nintendo Switch and is expected to be released in 2023.

Source: 4Gamer

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