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Former Fate/Grand Order Producer's First Indie Game Tsurugihime Announced

Releasing in 2024
By CaesarZX
Dec. 7, 2022 updated 12:00

Fahrenheit 213 unveiled its new indie game, Tsurugihime, on December 4. Its Steam page is now online.

The new studioThe new studio

It is the first game produced by Yousuke Shiokawa, the creator of Fate/Grand Order, since going solo. Kouhaku Kuroboshi, who created Summon Night and Kino's Journey, is working on the character design,  while the soundtrack is being composed by Takeharu Ishimoto, the composer of the Kingdom Hearts series.

The new gameThe new game

The game is a side-scrolling action RPG with combat, leveling, and exploration. It also includes significant freedom in how the player can advance and how they spend each in-game day.

Source: 電ファミニコゲーマー

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