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Sifu Revealed The Arenas DLC

Along with the Xbox and Steam Reveal.
By Xueyang
Dec. 22, 2022 updated 09:10

The famous Kung Fu game Sifu has recently released its Arena Mode.

Arenas will sport nine stylish new maps, each featuring exclusive new challenges of varying difficulty levels, adding multiple hours of the classic Sifu gameplay fans have come to love.

Successfully completing the arenas will progressively unlock a massive new batch of modifiers, which doubles the amount currently available in-game, and notably brings alternative moves to the Kung Fu palette of our main character. Completing the new Arenas' challenges will also unlock new cheats and exclusive new outfits.

Sifu - Screenshot
Sifu - Screenshot

Along with the new game mode reveal, Sifu also announced its adaptation on Xbox and Steam. In the near future, players will be able to choose their favorite platform to play Sifu.

Source: YouTube