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Lord of the Mysteries Official Mobile Game Revealed Its First Trailer

By Iris Zhong
Feb. 4, 2023 updated 02:53

Code: Mystery, a mobile game based on the popular Cthulhu web novel "Lord of the Mysteries", revealed its first trailer and started pre-registration.

The trailer features an original theme song named "Praise The Fool", which uses Hermes, a made-up language in the novel.

Lord of the Mysteries Official Mobile Game Reveal Trailer

The novel was listed in the "Chinese Internet Literature Influence List: Overseas Influence List" in 2021 and won the Best Special award of "Top Ten Annual National IP Selection in 2021" for Fantasy Creative category.

Cuttlefish's Online Journal on WeChat

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving, writer of the original novel, revealed more in his online journal on WeChat.

1. It is a mobile game. But like Genshin Impact, it will be available on multiple platforms.

2. It is an RPG.

3. A lot of contents have been completed, including the construction of The City of Backlund and some early levels.

4. The developer is a new company, but all team members are from famous game companies and have successful cases. They all read "Lord of the Mysteries" and love it.

5. At first the trailer seemed insipid, but when the background music was on, it felt just right. Incomprehensible language, the slightly insane and chaotic aria plus such visuals presented a really appropriate tone. And I love it.

Source: Code: Mystery Official Website