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Dark Psychedelic Game 'Decarnation' Will Release May 31

By Xueyang
May. 11, 2023 updated 11:25

Decarnation, a dark and psychedelic adventure horror game, is set to release on May 31. The game takes players on a journey through a phantasmagorical world of dreams and nightmares, where they must solve cryptic puzzles, fight disturbing enemies, and face terrifying monsters from the darkest parts of their souls.

Decarnation - ScreenshotDecarnation - Screenshot

Set in Paris in 1990, Decarnation tells the story of Gloria, a struggling cabaret dancer who is dealing with the fraying of her relationships, career, and self-esteem. In an effort to turn her fortunes around, Gloria takes on a new artistic endeavor sponsored by a mysterious benefactor. But as she delves deeper into this world of dreams, she realizes that she is battling both inner and outer monsters.

Decarnation - ScreenshotDecarnation - Screenshot

The game features diverse gameplay, including traditional survival horror elements like puzzles and avoiding lethal predators, as well as metaphorical mini-games that account for real-life situations like performing on stage. Gloria's struggles in the real world create new challenges in her dreams, and overcoming challenges in her dreams strengthens her against real-life difficulties.

Decarnation - ScreenshotDecarnation - Screenshot

Decarnation draws inspiration from the best 2D adventure-horror and survival-horror games from past eras, as well as cult movies like Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue and David Lynch's Mulholland Drive. The result is an emotional, startling story-driven experience that will keep players on their toes until the very end.

Decarnation - ScreenshotDecarnation - Screenshot

With its unique blend of horror, symbolism, and psychological depth, Decarnation is sure to be a standout title in the indie gaming scene. Fans of horror and adventure games won't want to miss this haunting and unforgettable experience.