The Land Beneath Us, a captivating turn-based rogue-lite dungeon crawler, has released its demo, inviting players to delve into the depths of Welsh mythology. Set in the mystic Underworld of Annwn, players are tasked with a noble mission to save The Creator and retrieve essential Soul-Technology.
The Land Beneath Us - Screenshot
In this thrilling adventure, players embody the Ultimate Soul Harvester (U.S.H), a creation of The Creator, equipped with advanced Soul-Technology. The game's core revolves around exploring the Underworld, where interactions range from engaging and bartering with intriguing characters to confronting formidable foes. Each encounter offers unique narratives, influencing players' journeys.
The Land Beneath Us - Screenshot
The gameplay emphasizes mastering powerful skill combinations and utilizing an array of stylish weapons, including Blood Axes, Longinus Spears, and Lazer Pistols. The game's design allows for a varied combat experience, encouraging players to strategize their moves and weapons for maximum impact.
The Land Beneath Us - Screenshot
Replayability is a key feature, with players enhancing their abilities and stats by collecting souls from vanquished enemies. Depending on playstyle preferences, one can boost their Weapon skill tree for direct combat or unlock Combo Abilities for strategic distance attacks.
The Land Beneath Us - Screenshot
The Land Beneath Us promises a rich, action-packed experience, blending intense battles with the allure of ancient mythology. The demo is now available for players eager to embark on this mythological quest.