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Blaze of Wildfire Releases New Information, Including Dialect Dubs

By Xueyang
Jun. 22, 2022 updated 03:12

“It is a time of conflicts, it is a time of unity, it is the age of great integration, it is the age of collision, it is the epoch of opportunities, it is the epoch of fire and blood. As for lives, lives go by, but never bend.

And yet, the opportunity lies in front of you, the opportunity to live and experience this mystical era. Would you take it?”

Blaze of Wildfire is a mobile tactical RPG game developed by Mobius Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai. The company received funding from Tencent back on July 5, 2021.

Yesterday,  Blaze of Wildfire's official account on Weibo first released a short video about the game’s worldview concept and settings. The video has caught some players’ attention.

One of the key features of the game is the unique Shanghai dialect dubs, adding more authenticity to the world setting, and has been highly anticipated by fans.

Concept art of a Wildfire Luminous’ characterConcept art of a Wildfire Luminous’ character

Currently, Blaze of Wildfire is ranked 1st on TapTap’s Pre-registered Board.

Check it out on Taptap.

Source: Weibo.